Dubai International Airport has become the world’s busiest international airport, and is home hub to one of the world’s most growth orientated airlines.
Dubai Airports Company, as airport operator, has been carrying out a strategic review of its assets in order to ascertain their condition and to implement a condition-based maintenance / replacement programme. Atkins Global, as asset integrity consultant, has developed tools to assist the field work to assess asset condition.
The Aviation Fuel hydrant system is a key asset to the airport. Accordingly, eJet was appointed by Atkins Global to carry out Fuel Network Asset Condition Surveys of the Aviation Fuel system at Dubai International Airport.
These comprised surveying the Aviation Fuel specific mechanical and electrical components of the Aviation Fuel system at the Airport.
Our extensive knowledge, on the ground experience and management of operations makes us a trusted partner for airport inspection and audit services to ensure best practice within the remit of fitness for purpose and cost-effectiveness.
The outcome of this work was a comprehensive multi-dimensional assessment of the condition of key elements of the Aviation Fuel hydrant system. Because data was logged on ruggedised tablets in real time, it was immediately available as a planning and decision tool to asset managers at the airport.