January has been a very active month. It started well, with John making a short notice visit to Singapore just after the New Year in order to present to the client for a major contract that we have tendered on. In mid-month, we probably had more new business enquiries in one particular week than ever before – and this reflected a complete mix across all our offerings of technical, commercial and operations.
In January we re-commenced our inspection and audit of the airports in Saudi Arabia. This time, Paul went on a solus basis, and John will go there in February as Paul returns. The plan is to keep visits ongoing in order to complete all 27 airport inspections as soon as possible.
We have also commenced an engineering support project at some of the air bases in the UK. The role will be partly site inspection of construction work undertaken by others and desk-top review of design and engineering proposals.
This month we have been delighted to welcome Lizzie to the team; she will be providing administrative support to the Company, including preparation and formatting of reports as they arrive in hand-written form from our work in Saudi Arabia. Lizzie will be lightening Katherine’s load so that she is able to concentrate more on other aspects of Office Management and to help coordinate our marketing effort and software developments. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Katherine for her hard work to date, and to wish Lizzie well.
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